

Friday, 31 October 2014

My Birthday Gift

Smell of romance in the air, love in the skies. My fingers through her afro hair, twilight in her eyes.
A moment in seventh heaven, a night on cloud nine with a lady dressed to the nines. Dressed to kill. Groomed in a whistle and flute, in a silky glistening birthday suit transparently showing the luscious sexy curves of her tremendously A-list body. A la modes and lute. Music of passion inclined packaged with a chilled crystal sound of a champagne flute. Rose flower scented candles flicked their flames setting the mood. Full moon and incandescent stars lighting up the night sky. It all seemed like a castle in the sky but on the lower side of the scale I sure wasn't dreaming. I was floating like a butterfly flooded with sheer delight from feelings of a fulfilled desire and perfect ecstasy
-Edwin Onyango

Colors Of My Tears

Colors of my tears
I cry pink tears when
Sisters use leaves and dry goat skin as sanitary towels
When children are rained on under a tree trying to learn some vowels

I cry black tears when
A brother butchers another brother because of the color of his skin
When some people fail to understand that racial discrimination is a sin
When a brother knocks at your door and because you hate his color you don't let him in!

I cry green tears when
Mother Nature chokes and suffocates on the fumes from factories
When some greedy heartless citizens kill rhinos and elephants for their ivories
When hunger strikes killing thousands of people because of deforestation
When we forget our roots and lose our heritage because all we'll have left is a treeless nation

I cry red tears when
A brother bleeds to death because the police shot a stray bullet
When an ordained priest forcefully feeds on a choir girl like an eagle on a pullet
And then he finds his way around the law just because he "praises" God on a pulpit
When the society treat an honest and industrious brother, a rastaman, like a culprit
When some people, rich people treat others, poor people, like shit

I cry brown tears when
People kill others for their wealth just so that they can have more
When I fail to understand why some people sleep on empty stomach on a cold floor
While others spend millions throwing glamorous parties for just a day next door
When political leaders buy alcohol for the youth and fund them to start a tribal war
Sadly they cannot say NO because they also fail to understand what unity stands for
And they know that they will have fifty shillings each and there will be bottles of alcohol galore.

-Edwin Onyango

Colors Of My Tears

Our forefathers did it too but they pretended
not to because it used to be kind of a taboo
for an African man to cry. It showed a sign of "weakness"
Bullshit! That is not by any degree true
All men cry. As a matter of fact, REAL men do
Being one of them, real men, I do too

I cry. But not when I lose a shoe
I cry when they do, when I can't come through
for them when they desperately need me to
When I walk back home empty handed
With nothing for them to eat, nothing to chew
I cry. But not when they don't say 'thank you'
I cry when they sadly call my name, "Eddu,
please manh, please tusaidie na fare ya matatu
Please tuokolee tu, hata Kama ni ashu
Tumegonga mwamba! We are really stranded
Plus Njaa! Please, we promise hatuta-buy nayo glue.
Do I have a heart? Yes
Am I human? Yes
So yes, I cry
Colors of my tears....

-Edwin Onyango
I am PROUD of who I am
Black man, African
Rasta man, Kenyan
A man from a Luo clan
Wise man, is who I am.
Antagonism I spurn
Tribalism I shun
From chaos I run
For harmony I yearn
I am a peaceful man.
I watch, I listen, I learn
Wisdom is my charm
I am a strong man
In storm I stand firm
I love, I feel, I burn
I laugh, I cry I'm human

-Edwin Onyango

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Untitled Song

I wrote a song without a title
A song about guns; pistols and rifles
Spears, arrows and slings in a battle
A song about scuffles, wars; political and tribal

I wrote a song without a title
About spiritual issues; Qur'an and the Bible
An idle mind is the workshop of the devil
So they kept themselves busy worshiping idols!

I wrote a song without a title
A song about redemption. Renewal. Revival
About perpetual sufferings and ultimate survival
A song about tackling tidal waves of upheavals

I wrote a song without a title
A song about health, diseases; bacterial and viral
Meningitis and polio which are more so spinal
Prevention is better than cure. Doctor said it’s vital

I wrote a song without a title
A song about people who live in denial
Troubled minds and people who are suicidal
A cup full of poison, they are their own rivals

I wrote a song without a title
A song about attraction, karma and life cycle
About dreams and fantasies of living in a castle
A song about butterflies and rainbows. No hassle

I wrote a song without a title
About everyday hustle and bustle
A bout stretching and hardening muscles
A song about daily struggles; everyday tussles  

-Edwin Onyango

Thursday, 9 October 2014

40th Day

Jobless, cashless, stress. Stealing? Yes
Kushikwa kwa wenyewe!
Robbery, Burglary, today was not a success
Rungu na mawe!
Powerless, defenseless, beaten senseless
Kama burukenge!
Helpless, breathless, soon to be lifeless
Mob justice, umati!
Crowd that knows nothing about forgiveness
Mafuta na Kiberiti!
Burning, screaming, until he was motionless
Now call 911!
Police yellow tape, ambulance and camera flashes
Next stop morgue!
Then public cemetery, family in black, ashes to ashes
Moment of silence!

-Edwin Onyango

Monday, 6 October 2014

Hope In Kibera (State House In The Slum)

Stomach upset
Flying toilets
Tourism target?!
Slum in sunset
Kibera’s silhouette 
Slum tours! Bullshit
Slum gangs, robbery suspects
Lived by the gun died by the bullet
People surviving on empty pockets
Fully loaded black leather wallets
Just the national ID card and a prospect
A Muzungu’s business card and a few other contacts
Flyers of music concerts and 2012 art contests
He came, saw, took pictures, wept and left
It was total nightmare as he slept
It’s a slum. What did he expect?
Smiles on our faces as though everything was perfect?
The following day he came with some concepts
Kibra Youth and women empowerment projects
Now we reflect and redirect our hopes to a new subject
State house in the Slum, but  first class social status not yet

-Edwin Onyango

Sunday, 5 October 2014

It Will Get Better

Layers of tattered jackets, fighting the cold with a wet blanket!
Scared of the mysterious facets of life in this haunted planet
One too many of the tablets, next step, toes up in a wooden casket
Face it. Life is not always butterflies, rainbows and unicorns
You mourn the dead while others celebrate their newborns
Believe me when I tell you that I know what it means to be sad
I too lost my mom at a tender age and I have never met my dad
I have eaten from dumpsters and slept in the cold in the streets
With nothing decent to eat I wondered the streets on bare feet
Memories I wish to forget, but the pictures are not easy to delete
I met the most amazing person on earth when I was almost giving up
The timing was just right. Clouded with pain, I had just taken the last sup
She held my hands and told me to be strong 'coz everything will be alright
“It is always darker before dawn” she said. And then she showed me light
Tears of the son, tears on the sun, dried out. A new phase of life had just begun
So, listen to me when I tell you the same. Be strong and never give up
Hold tight and push through it. It will get better. I promise

-Edwin Onyango