

Monday, 26 May 2014

At Mama Nitilie


I visited Mama nitilie, the best food vendor in my neighborhood
Chafua, chapo dondo, na kadhalika, all her meals tasted so good
“Waa gwaan wazito?” a salutation to the mjengo guys I presented
“Aright mahn” with githeri stuffed in their mouths they responded
“eh Ras, jiseti hapa” looking at me with red eyes Omusakulu offered
In a torn faded blue jeans, a brown vest which used to be white,
and old Nike sneakers on his feet, he moved as he took a big bite
of four folded chapatis as he waited for the stew he had also ordered.
Hell on earth! The size of the fold, the grip in his hand had conquered
and the gnashing of his big brown teeth, those chapatis really suffered

“Habari ya leo mama Njoro?” yawning out of hunger I greeted her
“Mzuri sana Endu” with her thick Meru accent she replied
Still counting some coins from my pocket I ordered for a “starter”
A big jug of Maji ya kunywa; drinking water is actually what I implied
“Umeshindaje leo?” still serving another customer she asked me
“Nikudialala mami. Hakuna mshiko! Na Gava yetu imekalia manoti,
Wanajisambazia tu doe za kazi kwa vijana. Nakuambia, ni mafisi!”
Tightening her leso and laughing, “Kama kawainda eeh?” she inquired
“Zee! Leo nipe dunga na chai moja. Si nakusho nimepigika vi-deadly!”
Looking disappointed I confirmed my order as I drank my water slowly
I then laid back listening to chatty Omusakulu though I was really tired.
After a few minutes I was given my meal and I made peace with my stomach.

-Edwin Onyango

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