

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

A-list hypocrisy

Holier than thou but behind the curtains you are busy eating swine
Reading from the Holy Qur'an at the same time singing Satan’s song
At the altar you preach water but in the dark chambers you drink wine
Reading from the Holy Bible while drunk! Don’t you think that’s wrong?
Don’t show me how much you know the writings in the Bible
Because even the devil can cite scripture for his own purpose
Ask your “self-righteousness” if the seeds you are planting are viable
Or the clapping and yelling you call worshiping is just some circus.
You know going to church doesn’t make you a Christian or holier
Any more than going to the garage makes you an automobile
Dramatically Shouting God’s name in public won’t make it any easier
for you to inherit his kingdom. That’s just pimping your religious profile.
Speaking of which, stop questioning whose God is real and whose ain’t
Being a Christian or Muslim is a matter of one’s spiritual belief.
And spending your time condemning my religion makes you no saint
For all I know, we are both spiritually struggling for torment relief.

-Edwin Onyango

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