

Friday, 29 August 2014

Back To My Roots II

I’m going back to my roots, back to run in the forest nude
Or for special occasions, to wear animal skin for a suit
Traveling on foot, back to gathering fruits for food
Back to mama land, where my grandmother was wooed
Back to my roots, back to show Babu my gratitude
For reminding me my tradition, my customs, my roots
Back to show mother nature my heartfelt solicitude
Back to listen to birds sing and watch them brood
It has been long; I might have forgotten the route
But I’ll get there. In my heart the map was tattooed
Back to take away the thick green jungle’s solitude
To take a walk to the woods to play Nyatiti and a flute
Back to my roots, back to the village where I really belong
Back to listen to my grandmother sing her favorite folk song
Bye bye skyscrapers. Back to the wild, “Hallo Mugumo tree”
Back to run in the greenness of Nature. Back to feel free
Back to the mountain top, you will see my silhouette
You will see me watch the beautiful warm sunset
Back to drinking porridge from agwata (traditional Luo calabash)
Back to bartering. Back to the days of no money, no cash
Back to build my own simba (a traditional Luo grass-thatched hut)
East or west home is the best. Back to my roots

-Edwin Onyango

Thursday, 28 August 2014

It Is Not Yet Time

Six feet under!
Not until lightening comes after thunder
Not this season, not even next summer
Not until rainbow colors turn to umber
Not now, not even in my deepest slumber
Not until God Almighty starts to wonder
If I will ever respond when He calls my number

Taking the last bow!
Not until Indians butcher the sacred cow
Not until I learn Enochian. Until I know how
angels and other celestial beings say hi or ciao
So, not anytime soon, not yet, especially now
Not until God is pleased by the sweat on my brow
Not until He says, “Son, good job. I mean, Wow”

Promoted to Glory!
Not before I finish writing my life story
Not until I get God’s number in my Directory
Not until He personally tell me not to worry
That I will go straight to heaven not to Purgatory
Think of it. This place cannot just be a theory
Real or not, do not go there.  That’s my travel advisory

Give up the ghost!
No. I’m not leaving the ones I love the most
Not until we make our last toast. Prost
Not until I know which angels will be my host
Not until I shake the net. Not just hitting goalpost
Not until I score. Until the stadium is closed
Not until all the secrets of life are disclosed

Kick the bucket!
No. I’m not ready to sleep in any casket
Not until I hear the sound of the last trumpet
Until I hear the soft lively tune of a tucket
Not until I solve the life equation in the bracket
Not until I drown. Until I lose my life jacket
I will take the last train to glory when I buy my ticket

To bite a big one
No. Not until I touch the eye of the sun
Not now. Not when my life has just begun
Not with all the cheers. Not until I hit a home run
No. Not now. Not when I’m having this much fun
Not until I become God’s favorite son
Not yet. But God, may your will be done

-Edwin Onyango

Monday, 25 August 2014

Forbidden Fruit

Good for food, pleasant to the eyes
Fruit in the woods, desired to make one wise,
suspended from reality and stupid at the same time
Sweet as sin, you’ll eat it from dusk to sunrise
With a Fruit that ripe, not eating it is considered a crime
Small or big, the taste is not in its size
But don’t be fooled. To your surprise,
the worm might just be anaconda in disguise
Climb the tree, pull the branches astride
Fruit squash, ready for the thrust of the first tide?
Take a bite, feel the juice streaming inside
Hard to swallow?!  Open it a little bit wide
There you go, now you feel like a cloud in the sky
You feel like an eagle soaring up high.
What now? Why are you crying?!
Oh! I get it. You feel so alive! And you also feel like dying

Forbidden fruit is sweeter
Yet tears in the eyes of the eater!

-Edwin Onyango

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

It's All Bullshit

Our eyes swell and grew misty
We never saw them through the law
They are still innocent until proven guilty.
Bullshit! Our legal system has a flaw
They are all guilty but will be proven innocent!
This is the reality we should all know
The law is a negotiable instrument
They pull strings and judges start to dance
Tunes of our cries for justice are no equivalent
To the music of Money that takes them into trance
Court adjourned. Court will recess in two years
We all know that Justice delayed is justice denied
But we still hope it rains justice to wash away our tears
Not yet! Not with the cloudless skies of political impunity
Whoever defined democracy as government for the people lied
In this case it is government for the corrupt society
A fewer greedy and hypocrites so called Politicians
Maize gone, Kazi kwa Vijana funds gone…they are like magicians
As far as it smells or looks like money they will make it disappear
…nina apa ya kwamba nitakuwa mwaminifu kwa jamuhuri ya Kenya! Shiii!
Utumishi kwa wote?! Let's think again. It's all bullshit!!!!!!!!!!! 

-Edwin Onyango

Thursday, 14 August 2014


Pictures of grief flushing in my mind
Wondering what’s happening to mankind
A thousand questions I have no answers to
Lots of happenings yet I don’t know what to do
I raise my hands up high on my knees as I worship,

"Oh Lord remember you promised us ease after hardship
Tonight I call your name, please Lord tell me
How much tears do we have to cry,
before you know that we are in pain?
How many people have to die,
before you show us your mercy again?
How many orphans have to suffer,
before you show them that you are
the Father, who art in heaven?
The Father to the fatherless
How many have to varnish in darkness
Before you show them that you are the light of the world
How many of the hungry have to perish,
Before you show them that you are the bread of life?
Fulfill your promise to the widows ‘to love and to cherish’
Their true husband, their defender
How many of the weak have to slip away,
before you show them that you are their strength?
Forgive me Lord for I don’t understand your will
But tonight, for all of them I close my eyes to pray
Our Father, who art in heaven,
    hallowed be thy Name,
    thy kingdom come,
    thy will be done,
        on earth as it is in heaven
-Edwin Onyango