

Monday, 25 August 2014

Forbidden Fruit

Good for food, pleasant to the eyes
Fruit in the woods, desired to make one wise,
suspended from reality and stupid at the same time
Sweet as sin, you’ll eat it from dusk to sunrise
With a Fruit that ripe, not eating it is considered a crime
Small or big, the taste is not in its size
But don’t be fooled. To your surprise,
the worm might just be anaconda in disguise
Climb the tree, pull the branches astride
Fruit squash, ready for the thrust of the first tide?
Take a bite, feel the juice streaming inside
Hard to swallow?!  Open it a little bit wide
There you go, now you feel like a cloud in the sky
You feel like an eagle soaring up high.
What now? Why are you crying?!
Oh! I get it. You feel so alive! And you also feel like dying

Forbidden fruit is sweeter
Yet tears in the eyes of the eater!

-Edwin Onyango

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