

Sunday, 28 September 2014

I Am The Best Of Myself

I am the one, the light, the diamond that glows in the dark

They threw me out but I built a shelter with the bricks they rejected
I am the one they still hear, the sound of the music in the CD they ejected

They spat on me in the streets but I showered in the cold rains
They smashed my heart but I still had blood flowing in my veins
I am the one, the bolt cutter that conquered all their chains

They stopped me at one but I became the master, I made it to eleven
They took away my voice but I still sang like angels in heaven
They stopped paying my tuition fee but I still am the talent I was given
I am the one, the artist, the poet, the one who is self driven

They showed me two roads but I took the third one
They took away the bullets but I still cocked the gun
They called me a bastard but I was still my mother’s son
They only showed me storms but I still waited for the sun
I am the one; the man that did what they thought couldn’t be done

They hid the stars but I still made a wish in the darkness of the night
They stopped the wind but I still floated in the dry skies like a kite
They chained me and paralyzed me but I still stood up to fight
 Blind folded, I still painted their black with my brilliant white
They even denied me a student visa but I still booked the flight
I am the one, among VIPs. The guest of honor they did not invite

-Edwin Onyango

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Beggars's Status Quo

So, he asked them to bend over and they did
He knew all they had was heads filled with sewer liquid
I don’t mean to be mean but yes, they were all stupid
He asked them to play dead for the late night show
But to please him they actually died on the stage!
The next crew was a cluster of idiots from Stone Age
They read the white blank book page by page
And when they came across “Aaarrrggh!” his rage
They ran like headless chickens. No! They ran Like Hell
Another group of imbecile buffoons did the same as well
They later had a “turning point” realization of his magic spell
His vast wealth, his Money and his ultimate power,
His knowledge - Something they knew nothing about
Not even street smart! They were all life lessons-dropouts!
He delayed their peanut salaries but they still stayed
He broke their legs but they still danced to the tunes he played
Too ignorant to notice that a soul for fifty shillings is not a fair trade
They filled his Jacuzzi with their painful tears and sweat
They painted red roses on his walls with their blood
Just to show his gratitude he fed them rotten spud
They addressed him as Sir or even better, Master
Some of them were peasants. Even worse, beggars!
He laughed at the popping sounds of their blisters
They joined in with (we are used to this) laughter
They were stupid but good actors. They suffered!
Beggars’ status quo, beggars down on their dry knees
Beggars’ dictionary, defined him as the only help
And their favorite words were Sir, please!

-Edwin Onyango