

Sunday, 28 September 2014

I Am The Best Of Myself

I am the one, the light, the diamond that glows in the dark

They threw me out but I built a shelter with the bricks they rejected
I am the one they still hear, the sound of the music in the CD they ejected

They spat on me in the streets but I showered in the cold rains
They smashed my heart but I still had blood flowing in my veins
I am the one, the bolt cutter that conquered all their chains

They stopped me at one but I became the master, I made it to eleven
They took away my voice but I still sang like angels in heaven
They stopped paying my tuition fee but I still am the talent I was given
I am the one, the artist, the poet, the one who is self driven

They showed me two roads but I took the third one
They took away the bullets but I still cocked the gun
They called me a bastard but I was still my mother’s son
They only showed me storms but I still waited for the sun
I am the one; the man that did what they thought couldn’t be done

They hid the stars but I still made a wish in the darkness of the night
They stopped the wind but I still floated in the dry skies like a kite
They chained me and paralyzed me but I still stood up to fight
 Blind folded, I still painted their black with my brilliant white
They even denied me a student visa but I still booked the flight
I am the one, among VIPs. The guest of honor they did not invite

-Edwin Onyango

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